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关键词:  激光焊  微观组织  力学性能  TC17钛合金
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TC17Titanium Alloy Laser Welded Joint
Zhang Qunbing1,2,3, Dong Tuo4,5,6,7,5,6,3, Tan Mengmeng4,5,6,7,5,6,3, Men Haoxiang4,5,6,7,5,6,3, Zhang Jianxun4,5,6,7,5,6,8
1.Xi '2.'3.an Aeronautical Institute;4.Xi &5.amp;6.#39;7.&8.an Jiaotong University
In this paper, the laser welding of TC17 titanium alloy was carried out, and the macroscopic morphology, microstructure, microhardness and tensile properties of the joint were studied. The results show that TC17 titanium alloy base material is composed of β phase and equiaxed α phase, and there is a lot of acicular secondary α phase in β phase. The microstructure of HAZ is complicated. With the decrease of distance to the weld, the equiaxial α phase gradually disappeared, the size of β phase gradually increased, the acicular secondary α gradually disappears, and the α martensite gradually emerged and disappeared again. The weld is mainly composed of columnar dendrites, and the porosity defects were mainly concentrated in the middle and lower part of the weld center line. From the base metal to the weld, hardness generally decreased. Affected by the acicular secondary α phase, the microhardness of the HAZ decreases first, then increases and then decreases. Due to the lowest weld hardness and porosity defects, the tensile fracture of TC17 titanium alloy laser welded joint was in the weld center.
Key words:  Laser welding  Microstructure  Mechanical property  TC17 titanium alloy
