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以6061-T6铝合金为研究对象,采用4004 铝合金作为钎料对其进行真空钎焊,并通过控制钎焊高温段的温度和时长焊接出具有不同钎焊缝的6061铝合金水冷板。用气密测试台、水浸超声波检测仪、微距摄像机、金相显微镜对试验件的钎焊情况及钎焊缝微观形貌进行分析表征。结果表明:钎焊高温段温度低或者保温时间短,钎料的流动性不足,钎焊缝存在脱焊。反之,钎焊高温段温度高或保温时间长则会造成焊缝熔蚀。当炉内真空度≤2.0X10-3Pa时,钎焊高温段温度595℃,保温时间80min,真空钎焊的6061铝合金焊缝具有良好的成型性和密封性能。
关键词:  6061铝合金  4004钎料  真空钎焊  温度  时长
Study on the Effect of Temperature and Duration on Vacuum Brazing of 6061 Aluminum Alloy with 4004 Filler Metal
guizhouyonghong heat trnsfer and cooling technology co.ltd.
In this work, 6061-T6 aluminum alloy was employed as the research object. Uses 4004 aluminum alloy as the filler material for vacuum brazing, and controls the temperature and duration of the high-temperature section to brazing 6061 aluminum alloy water-cooled plate with different brazing seams. The brazing condition of the test piece and the microstructure of the brazed seam were analyzed and characterized using the airtight test bench, the water immersion ultrasonic detector, the macro camera and the metallographic microscope. The results indicate that the temperature in the high-temperature section of brazing is low or the duration is short, the fluidity of the filler material is insufficient, and there is detachment of the brazing seam. On the contrary, high temperature or long duration in the high-temperature section of brazing can cause weld ablation. When the vacuum degree of the furnace is ≤ 2.0X10-3Pa, the temperature of high-temperature brazing section is 595℃, and the during of brazing is 80 mins, the 6061 alloy brazing seam formed by vacuum brazing process good formability and sealing performance.
Key words:  6061 aluminum alloy  4004 filler metal  Vacuum brazing  Temperature  duration
